Overall rank: 58%
xHTML Ninjas definitely have nice designing team because we already loved the layout! Unfortunately, we had lost our happiness after we analysed their markup quality. There are huge number of more or less important issues, especially regarding CSS and JavaScript handling (horrible results - 6% and 0%). They definitely have some potential, but overall coding level is too chaotic to get a better rank.
Company info
Owner: Eternity Web Development
Address: 1 Executive Drive
South Burlington, VT 05403
Country: United States
Tel:(802) 865-2000
First page: $300
Next pages: $150
Hidden costs:No
xHTML analysis 53%
Doctype: Strict
Errors: Yes
Cleanliness: Average
Indents: Below average
Headings: Bad
Image handling: Bad
Text/code ratio: 16%
CSS analysis 6%
Errors: Yes
Cleanliness: Average
Indents: Bad
Print version: No
Inline: Yes
Sprite usage: Bad
Position: Bad
JavaScript analysis 0%
JS off version:No
JS efficiency:Bad
Efficiency 76%
Compression: No
Cache: No
Bad requests: No
Error page: Yes
Page size: 288 kB
- xHTML: 8 kB
- CSS: 17 kB
- JavaScript: 119 kB
- Images: 144 kB
Number of requests: 34
- xHTML: 1
- CSS: 2
- JavaScript: 5
- Images: 26
Search engine preparation 38%
Unique titles: Yes
Canonicalization: No
Robots: No
XML sitemaps: No
Favicon: Yes
Expire tags: Yes
Language: English
Microformats: No
Accessibility: No
Browser awareness 83%
Firefox: Yes
Chrome: Yes
Opera: Yes
Safari: Yes
Internet Explorer 9: Yes
Internet Explorer 8: Yes
Internet Explorer 7: Yes
Internet Explorer 6: Yes
Compatibility view: No
Fixes via: External CSS