xHTML Rank

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Dizajn u HTML 55%

Overall rank: 55%

Even if company is based in Serbia, they seem to be Bosnian minority as website is made in Bosnian language. We think that differences between these languages are not so big to work efficiently with all customers from Balkan countries.

Dizajn u HTML

Company info Serbia

Owner: Milos Zekovic

Address: Karadjordjeva 25
22313 Vojka

Country: Serbia




First page: $80

Next pages: $40

Hidden costs:Yes

xHTML analysis 63%

Doctype: Transitional

Errors: Yes

Cleanliness: Average

Indents: Above average

Headings: Great

Image handling: Above average

Text/code ratio: 20%

CSS analysis 29%

Errors: Yes

Cleanliness: Great

Indents: Bad

Print version: No

Inline: Yes

Sprite usage: Below average

Position: Great

JavaScript analysis 20%

Cleanliness:Below average


JS off version:Yes

JS efficiency:Bad


Efficiency 34%

Compression: No

Cache: No

Bad requests: No

Error page: Yes

Page size: 1192 kB

  • xHTML: 17 kB
  • CSS: 54 kB
  • JavaScript: 91 kB
  • Images: 1030 kB

Number of requests: 82

  • xHTML: 1
  • CSS: 3
  • JavaScript: 5
  • Images: 73

Search engine preparation 38%

Unique titles: Yes

Canonicalization: No

Robots: No

XML sitemaps: No

Favicon: Yes

Expire tags: Yes

Language: Serbian, Bosnian

Microformats: No

Accessibility: No

Browser awareness 75%

Firefox: Yes

Chrome: Yes

Opera: Yes

Safari: Yes

Internet Explorer 9: Yes

Internet Explorer 8: Yes

Internet Explorer 7: Yes

Internet Explorer 6: No

Compatibility view: No

Fixes via: External CSS