Overall rank: 70%
Nice and gentle Polish PSD to HTML provider. There are some minor insufficiencies but we think that some improvements could help reach even ten percent more. In general, this company is worth considering.
First page: $90
Next pages: $50
Hidden costs:No
xHTML analysis 80%
Doctype: Transitional
Errors: No
Cleanliness: Above average
Indents: Great
Headings: Bad
Image handling: Great
Text/code ratio: 32%
CSS analysis 59%
Errors: No
Cleanliness: Above average
Indents: Bad
Print version: No
Inline: No
Sprite usage: Bad
Position: Great
JavaScript analysis 58%
JS off version:No
JS efficiency:Average
Efficiency 81%
Compression: Yes
Cache: No
Bad requests: No
Error page: No
Page size: 249 kB
- xHTML: 2 kB
- CSS: 6 kB
- JavaScript: 1 kB
- Images: 240 kB
Number of requests: 24
- xHTML: 1
- CSS: 1
- JavaScript: 4
- Images: 18
Search engine preparation 11%
Unique titles: No
Canonicalization: No
Robots: No
XML sitemaps: No
Favicon: No
Expire tags: Yes
Language: Polish
Microformats: No
Accessibility: No
Browser awareness 78%
Firefox: Yes
Chrome: Yes
Opera: Yes
Safari: Yes
Internet Explorer 9: Yes
Internet Explorer 8: Yes
Internet Explorer 7: Yes
Internet Explorer 6: No
Compatibility view: No
Fixes via: CSS