Overall rank: 66%
First analysis of Netlings did not reveal great score - website was designed nicely but there were missing a lot of elements to show a good coding approach. However, after re-analysis, we can clearly see that both webdesign and markup got improved - especially comparing HTML and CSS tests before and after.
Company info
Owner: Netlings Pvt. Ltd.
Address: C-3/1, Phase-2, II floor, Ashok Vihar
Delhi 110052
Country: India
Tel:+91 (011) 422 63490
First page: $100
Next pages: $50
Hidden costs:Yes
xHTML analysis 82%
Doctype: HTML5
Errors: No
Cleanliness: Above average
Indents: Bad
Headings: Great
Image handling: Above average
Text/code ratio: 31%
CSS analysis 75%
Errors: No
Cleanliness: Great
Indents: Great
Print version: No
Inline: No
Sprite usage: Bad
Position: Great
JavaScript analysis 83%
JS off version:No
JS efficiency:Great
Efficiency 71%
Compression: Partial
Cache: Yes
Bad requests: No
Error page: No
Page size: 198 kB
- xHTML: 6 kB
- CSS: 74 kB
- JavaScript: 89 kB
- Images: 29 kB
Number of requests: 7
- xHTML: 1
- CSS: 1
- JavaScript: 1
- Images: 4
Search engine preparation 63%
Unique titles: Yes
Canonicalization: Yes
Robots: Yes
XML sitemaps: No
Favicon: Yes
Expire tags: Yes
Language: English
Microformats: No
Accessibility: No
Browser awareness 50%
Firefox: Yes
Chrome: Yes
Opera: Yes
Safari: Yes
Internet Explorer 9: Yes
Internet Explorer 8: Yes
Internet Explorer 7: No
Internet Explorer 6: No
Compatibility view: No
Fixes via: No fixes