Overall rank: 54%
We assumed that company using HTML5 doctype would have better knowledge about web standards. Unfortunately, we were wrong. dot4all fails almost all the tests, the only ones that made it scrore above 50% are SEO and Browser awareness, but good SEO skills are still not valuable when major tests ratings are horrible.
Company info
Owner: dot4all S.r.l.
Address: Via Adriano Fiori, 32/b
00156 Roma
Country: Italy
There is no pricing info.
xHTML analysis 41%
Doctype: HTML5
Errors: Yes
Cleanliness: Bad
Indents: Bad
Headings: Bad
Image handling: Above average
Text/code ratio: 7%
CSS analysis 25%
Errors: No
Cleanliness: Average
Indents: Bad
Print version: No
Inline: Yes
Sprite usage: Bad
Position: Average
JavaScript analysis 17%
JS off version:No
JS efficiency:Bad
Efficiency 39%
Compression: No
Cache: No
Bad requests: No
Error page: Yes
Page size: 868 kB
- xHTML: 18 kB
- CSS: 68 kB
- JavaScript: 364 kB
- Images: 418 kB
Number of requests: 71
- xHTML: 1
- CSS: 14
- JavaScript: 19
- Images: 37
Search engine preparation 63%
Unique titles: Yes
Canonicalization: Yes
Robots: Yes
XML sitemaps: Yes
Favicon: No
Expire tags: Yes
Language: English
Microformats: No
Accessibility: No
Browser awareness 78%
Firefox: Yes
Chrome: Yes
Opera: Yes
Safari: Yes
Internet Explorer 9: Yes
Internet Explorer 8: Yes
Internet Explorer 7: Yes
Internet Explorer 6: No
Compatibility view: No
Fixes via: CSS