xHTML Rank

Find company providing professional psd to html service

Currently listing: 331 companies and 16 freelancers

Espiro 55%does not exist anymore

Overall rank: 55%

This company provides average PSD to xHTML/ CSS service. Most of the test went bad, even most obvious ranks, like xHTML and CSS got less than 50%. Extremely poor SEO rank (only one test passed) makes situation even worse.

However, company, or rather a freelancer, is quite unique example of PSD to xHTML provider in Persian language. Thanks to code analysis, we can see how the text flows in Arabic alphabet. Company is definitely worth seeing, but not hiring.

Unfortunately, Espiro does not exist anymore.


Company info Iran

Owner: Majid Hashemi

Country: Iran




There is no pricing info.

xHTML analysis 44%

Doctype: Transitional

Errors: No

Cleanliness: Bad

Indents: Bad

Headings: Great

Image handling: Average

Text/code ratio: 15%

CSS analysis 38%

Errors: No

Cleanliness: Bad

Indents: Bad

Print version: No

Inline: No

Sprite usage: Bad

Position: Great

JavaScript analysis 53%

Cleanliness:Above average


JS off version:Yes

JS efficiency:Average


Efficiency 51%

Compression: No

Cache: No

Bad requests: Yes

Error page: No

Page size: 453 kB

  • xHTML: 7 kB
  • CSS: 25 kB
  • JavaScript: 100 kB
  • Images: 321 kB

Number of requests: 44

  • xHTML: 1
  • CSS: 4
  • JavaScript: 6
  • Images: 33

Search engine preparation 11%

Unique titles: Yes

Canonicalization: No

Robots: No

XML sitemaps: No

Favicon: No

Expire tags: No

Language: Persian

Microformats: No

Accessibility: No

Browser awareness 72%

Firefox: Yes

Chrome: Yes

Opera: Yes

Safari: Yes

Internet Explorer 9: Yes

Internet Explorer 8: Yes

Internet Explorer 7: Yes

Internet Explorer 6: No

Compatibility view: No

Fixes via: External CSS