xHTML Rank

Find company providing professional psd to html service

Currently listing: 331 companies and 16 freelancers

I do HTML 60%does not exist anymore

Overall rank: 60%

This company received pretty good total rating, but You have to be aware that we were unable to analyse their skills in more complex project (lack of portfolio). That is why our rating might be a bit inaccurate this time, but on the other hand, rates are really low so if You want, You can try. However, we would rather not recommend this company.

Unfortunately, I do HTML does not exist anymore.


Company info Romania

Owner: Unknown

Country: Romania


First page: $20

Next pages: $10

Hidden costs:No

xHTML analysis 73%

Doctype: xHTML 1.1

Errors: No

Cleanliness: Average

Indents: Below average

Headings: Great

Image handling: Below average

Text/code ratio: 21%

CSS analysis 50%

Errors: No

Cleanliness: Average

Indents: Bad

Print version: No

Inline: Yes

Sprite usage: Bad

Position: Great

JavaScript analysis 30%



JS off version:Yes

JS efficiency:Bad


Efficiency 75%

Compression: No

Cache: No

Bad requests: No

Error page: No

Page size: 26 kB

  • xHTML: 6 kB
  • CSS: 10 kB
  • JavaScript: 7 kB
  • Images: 3 kB

Number of requests: 30

  • xHTML: 1
  • CSS: 1
  • JavaScript: 1
  • Images: 27

Search engine preparation 56%

Unique titles: Yes

Canonicalization: No

Robots: Yes

XML sitemaps: Yes

Favicon: Yes

Expire tags: Yes

Language: English, Romanian

Microformats: No

Accessibility: No

Browser awareness 89%

Firefox: Yes

Chrome: Yes

Opera: Yes

Safari: Yes

Internet Explorer 9: Yes

Internet Explorer 8: Yes

Internet Explorer 7: Yes

Internet Explorer 6: Yes

Compatibility view: No

Fixes via: CSS