xHTML Rank

Find company providing professional psd to html service

Currently listing: 331 companies and 16 freelancers

HTML Guys 55%

Overall rank: 55%

Website of this HTML provider looks like a free template but fortunately they gave us some code snippets to assess their skills. Unfortunately, it's hard to find something out of the box.. Majority of code looks exactly as an average level.


Company info Philippines

Owner: Adcoligo Corporation

Address: 302 R. Syjuco Building
993 EDSA, Project 7

Quezon City

Country: Philippines

Tel:+1 888 572 3511


There is no pricing info.

xHTML analysis 38%

Doctype: HTML5

Errors: Yes

Cleanliness: Above average

Indents: Above average

Headings: Below average

Image handling: Below average

Text/code ratio: 9%

CSS analysis 23%

Errors: Yes

Cleanliness: Average

Indents: Bad

Print version: No

Inline: Yes

Sprite usage: Below average

Position: Great

JavaScript analysis 42%



JS off version:No

JS efficiency:Great


Efficiency 45%

Compression: Yes

Cache: No

Bad requests: No

Error page: Yes

Page size: 1503 kB

  • xHTML: 9 kB
  • CSS: 44 kB
  • JavaScript: 70 kB
  • Images: 1380 kB

Number of requests: 112

  • xHTML: 1
  • CSS: 3
  • JavaScript: 15
  • Images: 93

Search engine preparation 75%

Unique titles: Yes

Canonicalization: Yes

Robots: Yes

XML sitemaps: Yes

Favicon: Yes

Expire tags: Yes

Language: English

Microformats: No

Accessibility: No

Browser awareness 61%

Firefox: Yes

Chrome: Yes

Opera: Yes

Safari: Yes

Internet Explorer 9: Yes

Internet Explorer 8: Yes

Internet Explorer 7: No

Internet Explorer 6: No

Compatibility view: No

Fixes via: External CSS