Overall rank: 57%
Pablo Rodríguez is an Argentinian freelancer who offers average xHTML/ CSS coding service. We went through his code and found out that there are still problems with xHTML, CSS and JavaScript handling, as well as lack of semantics knowledge or ignoring IE browsers.
Company info
Owner: Pablo Rodríguez
Address: Buenos Aires
Country: Argentina
First page: $150
Next pages: $40
Hidden costs:No
xHTML analysis 57%
Doctype: Strict
Errors: No
Cleanliness: Below average
Indents: Below average
Headings: Bad
Image handling: Average
Text/code ratio: 12%
CSS analysis 29%
Errors: No
Cleanliness: Average
Indents: Bad
Print version: No
Inline: Yes
Sprite usage: Below average
Position: Average
JavaScript analysis 8%
JS off version:Yes
JS efficiency:Bad
Efficiency 74%
Compression: No
Cache: No
Bad requests: No
Error page: Yes
Page size: 345 kB
- xHTML: 13 kB
- CSS: 33 kB
- JavaScript: 56 kB
- Images: 243 kB
Number of requests: 40
- xHTML: 1
- CSS: 4
- JavaScript: 8
- Images: 27
Search engine preparation 50%
Unique titles: No
Canonicalization: Yes
Robots: Yes
XML sitemaps: No
Favicon: Yes
Expire tags: Yes
Language: English, Spanish
Microformats: No
Accessibility: No
Browser awareness 75%
Firefox: Yes
Chrome: Yes
Opera: Yes
Safari: Yes
Internet Explorer 9: Yes
Internet Explorer 8: Yes
Internet Explorer 7: Yes
Internet Explorer 6: No
Compatibility view: No
Fixes via: No fixes