xHTML Rank

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Design 2 xHTML.net 58%

Overall rank: 58%

Totally invisible company. xHTML rating went pretty well, except image handling, where we can see there is lack of knowledge how to use them efficiently and manipulate images. Anyways, all other tests gave very bad rating and that is enough to choose one of another, better companies listed in our rankings.

Design 2 xHTML.net

Company info

Owner: Unknown

Country: Unknown


First page: $290

Next pages: $140

Hidden costs:No

xHTML analysis 92%

Doctype: Strict

Errors: No

Cleanliness: Great

Indents: Great

Headings: Great

Image handling: Below average

Text/code ratio: 25%

CSS analysis 50%

Errors: No

Cleanliness: Average

Indents: Bad

Print version: No

Inline: Yes

Sprite usage: Average

Position: Great

JavaScript analysis 25%



JS off version:Yes

JS efficiency:Bad


Efficiency 75%

Compression: No

Cache: No

Bad requests: No

Error page: No

Page size: 144 kB

  • xHTML: 5 kB
  • CSS: 8 kB
  • JavaScript: 2 kB
  • Images: 129 kB

Number of requests: 17

  • xHTML: 1
  • CSS: 1
  • JavaScript: 1
  • Images: 14

Search engine preparation 25%

Unique titles: Yes

Canonicalization: No

Robots: No

XML sitemaps: No

Favicon: No

Expire tags: Yes

Language: English

Microformats: No

Accessibility: No

Browser awareness 89%

Firefox: Yes

Chrome: Yes

Opera: Yes

Safari: Yes

Internet Explorer 9: Yes

Internet Explorer 8: Yes

Internet Explorer 7: Yes

Internet Explorer 6: Yes

Compatibility view: No

Fixes via: CSS