Overall rank: 45%
Catchy name seems interesting, but once we saw that there are tons of "extra" options to check to get a decent quality cope, we were disappointed. We don't really find this markup worth any money, even 40 dollars.
Company info
Owner: Sopan Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Address: GC 51, Fifth Floor, Gold Crest Tower, Aditya Mega City,
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, Delhi NCR
Country: India
First page: $40
Next pages: $25
Hidden costs:Yes
xHTML analysis 62%
Doctype: Missing
Errors: No
Cleanliness: Below average
Indents: Average
Headings: Above average
Image handling: Average
Text/code ratio: 18%
CSS analysis 35%
Errors: Yes
Cleanliness: Average
Indents: Bad
Print version: No
Inline: Yes
Sprite usage: Below average
Position: Great
JavaScript analysis 79%
JS off version:Yes
JS efficiency:Great
Efficiency 33%
Compression: Yes
Cache: Yes
Bad requests: Yes
Error page: No
Page size: 165 kB
- xHTML: 5 kB
- CSS: 2 kB
- JavaScript: 15 kB
- Images: 143 kB
Number of requests: 17
- xHTML: 1
- CSS: 1
- JavaScript: 3
- Images: 12
Search engine preparation 33%
Unique titles: Yes
Canonicalization: Yes
Robots: No
XML sitemaps: No
Favicon: No
Expire tags: Yes
Language: English
Microformats: No
Accessibility: No
Browser awareness 56%
Firefox: Yes
Chrome: Yes
Opera: Yes
Safari: Yes
Internet Explorer 9: Yes
Internet Explorer 8: No
Internet Explorer 7: No
Internet Explorer 6: No
Compatibility view: Yes
Fixes via: No fixes